UDC 631.41; 631.62; 351.792
Gabbasova I.M., Suleymanov R.R., Garipov T.T., Komissarov M.A., Suleymanov A.R. CHANGES IN SOIL PROPERTIES UNDER DRAINAGE AND SECONDARY WATERING OF THE STEPPE ZONE, SOUTHERN URAL REGION // Arid Ecosystems. 2024. Vol. 30. № 2 (99). P. 91-99. | PDF
An abrupt change of hydrological regime, caused by drainage during amelioration in the steppes of the South Ural Region (Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan), transforms many soil properties, which can result in soil degradation. Drainage of the Berkazan-Kamysh Natural Boundary resulted in a list of negative processes, the main of which are mineralization of peat organic matter and soil salinization so severe that it has formed a few meadow solonchaks completely devoid of any vegetation. However, a secondary watering after drainage in the Serek-Kul Natural Boundary did not cause soil degradation, and therefore can be considered one of the most effective methods of restoration for boggy ecosystems.
Keywords: chernozem-meadow soils, peat-bog soils, drainage, secondary watering, soil salinization, agrochemical properties.
Funding. The study was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation «Program for the creation and operation of a carbon landfill in the Republic of Bashkortostan «Eurasian carbon landfill» for 2022-2023 (Publication number: FEUR-2022-0001) and No. 075-00326-19-00 on the topic No. AAAAA-A18-118022190102-3. Some of the results were obtained using the equipment of the Agidel Central Research Center.
DOI: 10.24412/1993-3916-2024-2-91-99