UDC 556.31; 631.432.1
Buzueva A.S., Gubarev D.I., Nesvetaev M.Yu., Kulikova V.A. INFLUENCE OF SOIL-CLIMATE FACTORS ON GROUNDWATER PARAMETERS OF SLOPE AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE // Arid Ecosystems. 2023. Vol. 29. № 2 (95). P. 20-28. | PDF
The purpose of our research was to establish the influence of soil and climatic factors on the depth of occurrence and the degree of salinization of groundwater in the slope-hollow landscape. The hydrogeological data served as the basis for our research, obtained in 1990-2021 for 6 wells at the research stations of the Federal Center of Agriculture Research of the South-East Region. The dynamic changes in the groundwater level were analyzed in various relief elements in the wells located on the Elshan-Guselka Plain of Saratov, in the Volga Upland. The analysis specified that there was a general trend towards an increase in the groundwater level, both in the watershed and the slope-hollow relief. The chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation turned out to be the main source of groundwater nutrition. Sulfates (35%) had the largest percentage of the total chemical composition of sediments, while hydrocarbonates had 22%. The main ions that determined the chemical type and degree of mineralization of the studied waters were identified as well. The exceeding average values of the maximum concentration limit was established for sulfates, calcium, magnesium and sodium. The level of water salinity in the watersheds was 27% higher than in the lower part of the slope. According to long-term average data, groundwater, sampled according to relief elements, was saline.
Keywords: climate change, groundwater, chemical composition of groundwater.
Funding. The research was carried out for the state task No. FNWF-2022-0007 “Formation of Principles of Ecosystem Management and Agricultural Production Based on Digitalization and Forecasting of Soil and Climatic Changes”.
DOI: 10.24412/1993-3916-2023-2-20-28