Osmanov M.M., Amaeva F.Sh., Abdurakhmanova A.A. HYDROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF THE TEREK-CASPIAN COASTAL AREA // Arid ecosystems. 2021. V. 27. № 2 (87). P. 106-111 | PDF
Structure of zooplankton communities in the Terek-Caspian coastal region of the Caspian Sea under the conditions of flow regulation of the river Terek and its passage through the Uch-Kosinsky channel are researched. Hydrobiological material collected in the waters of the Terek coastal region of the Caspian sea was used. The long-term data of zooplankton distribution in the studied region, which reflect the nature of the influence of various factors, as fluctuations in the level regime, arid climate, the mass development of the Azov-Blacksea invader Acartia tonsa (Dana, 1849) and the trophic press of another invasive species Mnemiopsis leidyi (A. Agassiz) after passing the river runoff Terek in a new direction. The influence of these factors mainly affected the autochthonous fauna of the waters of the Terek coast. It was shown that previously leading native species Calanipeda aquae dulcis and Eurytemora grimmi for a long period were in the background and only in recent years C. a. dulcis, due to a decrease in the press of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, becomes a subdominant form in the zooplankton of the studied water area of the Caspian Sea.
Keywords: The Caspian Sea, Uch-Kosinskiy channel, arid climate, zooplankton, species diversity, Copepoda, invasive species.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-3916-2021-10156