Kaplina N.F., Kulakova N.Yu. Phytomass and stocks of carbon and nitrogen in the upland oak groves contrasting in productivity in the southern forest-steppe // Arid ecosystems. 2021. V. 27. № 1 (86). P. 35-42. | PDF
The current state of upland oak groves of saline and glague-sedge types in the Tellerman forest has been studied. The phytomass of stands is estimated by model trees taking into account the types of their development according to the original classification based on the morphological indicators. The content and stocks of carbon and nitrogen in the phytomass, litter, and soil were determined. It was found that the phytomass of saline and glague-sedge oak stands was 2 and 1.3 times lower, respectively than in similar stands before the period of oak mass drying in the 1970s — early 1980s. The mass of fallen leaves and litter corresponded to previous values due to development of the lower layer of the forest. The studied oak groves differ most of all in their carbon (7 times) and nitrogen – (5 times) stocks in the phytomass and much less in their stocks in the soil – in 1.4 times, the indicators of capacity — (1.4 times), and rate (1.2 times) of the annual biological cycle. The content of carbon, nitrogen, and non-structural carbohydrates in the oak organs in these groves is similar.
Keyword: phytomass, fallen leaves, litter, carbon and nitrogen stocks in ecosystem, capacity, and rate of the annual biological cycle, type of tree development, recovery of productivity of oak forests.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-3916-2021-10135