UDC 581.4:55
Beshko N.Yu., Abduraimov O.S., Kadyrov U.Kh., Madaminov F.M., Makhmudov A.V. CURRENT STATE OF CENOPOPULATIONS OF SOME ENDEMIC AND RARE SPECIES OF GENUS TULIPA L. (LILIACEAE) IN TASHKENT REGION (UZBEKISTAN) // Arid Ecosystems. 2023. Vol. 29. № 3 (96). P. 68-80. | PDF
The study of the ontogenetic structure of the coenotic populations of vulnerable, endemic and rare plant species allows us to assess their state under the conditions of anthropogenic transformation of ecosystems and develop the scientific basis for their protection. Central Asia is considered as one of the centers of origin and diversity of the genus Tulipa L. 34 species of tulips are recorded for the flora of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 19 species of them (55.88%) are threatened due to the collection of flowers and bulbs, overgrazing and habitat loss, and listed in the national Red Data Book. The paper is devoted to the assessment of the current state of 13 coenotic populations of 5 rare and endemic species of the genus Tulipa L. (T. borszczowii, T. butkovii, T. dubia, T. greigii, T. korolkowii) growing in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan in areas with different environmental regimes and levels of anthropogenic pressure. It has been found that 8 studied coenopopulations are normal and complete; 5 populations are incomplete, without senile individuals, this is a biological feature of the genus Tulipa. 6 coenopopulations are of the left-sided type, their ontogenetic spectrum fits with the characteristic spectrum of the genus Tulipa; 4 coenopopulations have a centered type of spectrum and 3 are bimodal. The low ratio of young individuals in some coenopopulations can be explained by the impact of overgrazing, as well as high competition with other species in the community. It is recommended to include Tulipa borszczowii, a rare endemic of the Central Asian deserts, and Tulipa butkovii, national endemic and local endemic to the Chatkal Ridge, in the next edition of the Red Data Book of Uzbekistan. It is recommended to create a protected area (wildlife sanctuary or natural monument) for conservation of the relic sandy massif of Dalverzin Sands in the Tashkent region.
Keywords: anthropogenic press, Red Data Book, ontogenetic structure, rare species, Uzbekistan, coenotic population, endemic, Liliaceae, Tulipa L.
Financing. The work was carried out as part of the state research programs of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Cadaster of Flora of the Tashkent Region” (2020-2022) and “Assessment of the Current State of Populations and Creation of a Living Collection of Economically Valuable Species of Wild Relatives of Cultivated Plants of the Flora of Uzbekistan” (2021-2024).
DOI: 10.24412/1993-3916-2023-3-68-80