Kuderina T.M., Suslova S.B., Lunin V.N., Kudikov A.V. ATMOSPHERIC HUMIDIFICATION AS A FACTOR OF LAND DEGRADATION NEUTRALITY OF FOREST-STEPPE LANDSCAPES // Arid ecosystems. 2020. V. 26. № 2 (83). P. 80-85. | PDF
An analysis of meteorological observations in the area of the Kursk biosphere station of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences over the past 40 years has been carried out. A steady increase in temperature is shown, against which an increase in the deficit of precipitation is observed. Moreover, precipitation is characterized by high instability and contrast distribution over the years, an increase in the number and duration of dry periods. For forest-steppe landscapes, precipitation, especially snow reserves, is an important source of moisture, on which their functioning depends. In agrolandscapes, a lack of moisture is observed, which contributes to deeper freezing of soils, deterioration of their water permeability, development of surface runoff of meltwater from fields, leading to landscape degradation. Atmospheric humidification in forest-steppe landscapes is a significant factor determining their functioning and can be used as a local LDN indicator.
Keywords: atmospheric moisture, precipitation, snow accumulation, moisture reserves, forest-steppe landscapes, neutral balance of land degradation, indicator.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-3916-2020-10099