Year of Birth: 1938
Germany, D-33619, Bielefeld, Wasserfuhr Str., 24-26,
Department of Ecology, University of Bielefeld
Phone: +49 171 1784208
Academic Degree:
- doctor of natural science (botany, ecology),
- full doctor of botany
Official Capacity:
- retired professor,
- retired researcher (geo-botany, ecology) of the Univ. of Bielefeld (Germany)
Research Areas:
biogeography, ecophysiology, stress ecophysiology, desertification, biodiversity, mountain ecology, tropical ecology
Work as a Visiting Researcher Abroad:
- 1974 – Utah State University (USA),
- 1966-1969, 1976 – Kabul University (Afghanistan),
- 1980 – Canberra (Australia),
- 1986 – Windhoek (Namibia),
- 1990, 1993 – Atacama, Antofagasta (Chile),
- 2005-2006 – University of Utsunomiya (Japan)
Membership in Professional Societies:
- member of the Peter the First Academy of science and art (St. Petersburg, Russia),
- editorial board member of the Journal “Arid Ecosystems” (Russia),
- editor of the Journal “Bielefelder Ökologische Beiträge” (Germany)
Total Number of Publications: more than 400
Main Publications:
- Breckle S-W. Vegetation, Climate and Soil – worldwide ecological and geobotanical studies // Progress of Botany. 2018. 80. P. 3-67.
- Breckle S-W, Hedge I.C., Rafiqpoor M.D. Biodiversity in Afghanistan // Global biodiversity / Ed. T. 2018. Vol. 1: Selected Countries in Asia, 1st Edition. Apple Academic Press/Waretown, NJ, USA. P. 33-92.
- Schmiedel U., Breckle S.-W. Extremereignisse: Einfluss auf die Vegetation? // Warnsignal Klima: Extremereignisse / Eds. Lozán, Breckle S.-W., Grassl H., Kasang D. & Weisse R. Hamburg: Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen in Koop. mit GEO. 2018. P. 39-46.
- Breckle S.-W., Fayvusch G., Murtazaliev R., Nakhutsrishvili G. 2017. Floristic Analysis of the subnival-nival vegetation of Hindu Kush and Caucasus. Bielefelder Ökologische Beiträge (BÖB) 21. P. 7-31.
- Breckle S.-W. 2017. Floristic Analysis of the subnival-nival vegetation of Hindu Kush and Caucasus. Species recorded from the high alpine and nival zones (>3900 m) of the Hindu Kush mountains (Afghanistan). Bielefelder Ökologische Beiträge (BÖB) 21. P. 32-47.
- Breckle S.-W. 2017. Recent desiccation history, succession on the Aral Sea floor and gradient studies on the Northern Aralkum. Bielefelder Ökologische Beiträge (BÖB) 21. P. 55-78.
- Lozan J.L., Breckle S.-W., Müller R., Rachor E. 2016. Warnsignal Klima: Die Biodiversität – unter Berücksichtigung von Habitatveränderungen, Umweltverschmutzung, Globalisierung. Wissenschaftliche Fakten. Wissensch. Auswertungen in Koop. mit GEO. 350 p.
- Breckle S.-W. 2016. Halophytes and saline vegetation of Afghanistan, a potential rich source for people / Eds. M.A. Khan, M. Öztürk, B. Gul, M.Z. Ahmed. Halophytes for food security in Dry Lands. Academic Press, Elsevier. P. 49-66 . DOI:
- Veste M., Todt H., Breckle S.-W. 2014. Influence of halophytic hosts on their parasites – the case of Plicosepalus acacia // Annals of Botany Plants. 7. DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plu084.
- Breckle S.-W., Hedge I.C., Rafiqpoor M.D. 2013. Vascular Plants of Afghanistan – an augmented checklist. Scientia Bonnensis, Bonn. 598 p.
- Breckle S.-W. 2013. From Aral Sea to Aralkum – an ecological disaster or halophytes’ paradise // Progress in Botany. 74. P. 351- 398.
- Matinzadeh Z., Breckle S.-W., Mirmassoumi M., Akhani H. 2013. Ionic relationships in some halophytic Iranian Chenopodiaceae and their rhizospheres. Plant Soil. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-013-1744-7.
- Djamali M., Brewer S., Breckle S.-W., Jackson S.T. 2012. Climatic determinism in phytogeographic regionalization: A test from the Irano-Turanian region, SW and Central Asia // Flora. 207. P. 237-249.
- Breckle S.-W., Dimeyeva L., Wucherer W., Ogar N.P. 2012. Aralkum – a man-made desert // Ecological Studies. 218. 484 p.
- Breckle S.-W., Rafiqpoor D. 2011. Vielfalt der Flora und Vegetation Afghanistans // Rdschau. 63 (11). P. 40-50.
- Noroozi J., Pauli H., Grabherr G., Breckle S.-W. 2011. The subnival-nival vascular plant species of Iran: a unique high-mountain flora and its threat from climate warming // Biodiversity and Conservation. 20 (6). P. 1319-1338. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0029-9.
- Breckle S.-W. 2011. Vegetationszonen und Klima – gestern, heute und morgen / Eds. D. Anhuf, T. Fickert, F. Grüninger // Ökozonen im Wandel, Passauer Kontaktstudium Geographie. 11. P. 27-36.
- Breckle S.-W. 2011. Der verlorene Aralsee – aber 60 000 km2 Neuland / Eds. D. Anhuf, T. Fickert, F. Grüninger // Ökozonen im Wandel, Passauer Kontaktstudium Geographie. 11. P. 91-100.
- Breckle S.-W., Wucherer W. 2011. Hat der Aralsee eine Zukunft? / Eds. J.L. Lozan et al. Warnsignal Klima: Genug Wasser für alle? // Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen. GEO, Hamburg. 3. Aufl. P. 210-219.
- Breckle S.-W., Küppers M. 2011. Nutzpflanzen für aride und semiaride Gebiete / Eds. J.L. Lozan et al. Warnsignal Klima: Genug Wasser für alle? // Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, GEO, Hamburg. 3. Aufl. P. 518-528.
- Breckle S.-W., Rafiqpoor 2011. Field Guide Afghanistan – ein neues Buch nicht nur für Schulen und Universitäten Afghanistans // Ed. R. Kostka. Wakhan, Talschaft zwischen Pamir und Hindukusch. Internat. Roger Senarclens de Grancy Gedächtnis-Symposium 2011, Verlag der TU Graz. P. 19-26.
- Homeier J., Breckle S.-W., Günter S., Rollenbeck R.T., Leuschner C. 2010. Tree diversity, forest structure and productivity along altitudinal and topographical gradients in a species-rich Ecuadorian montane rain forest // 42. P. 140-148.
- Öztürk M., Böer B., Barth H.-J., Breckle S.-W., Clüsener-Godt M., Khan M.A. 2010. Sabkha Ecosystems. Vol. 3: Africa and Southern Europe // Tasks for Vegetation Science. 46. Springer, Berlin. 148 p.
- Breckle S.-W., Rafiqpoor D.M. 2010. Field Guide Afghanistan – Flora and Vegetation // Scientia Bonnensis. 864 p.
- Breckle S.-W. 2009. Is sustainable agriculture with seawater realistic? / Eds. M. Ashraf, M. Ozturk, H.R. Athar // Tasks for Vegetation Science. Vol. 44. P. 187-196.
- Leistner E., Breckle S.‑W. 2008. Pharmazeutische Biologie kompakt. Grundlagen. Systematik. Humanbiologie. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart, 7. Auflage. 713 p.
- Liede-Schumann S., Breckle S.-W. 2008. Provisional Checklists of Flora and Fauna of the San Francisco valley and its Surroundings (Reserva Biológica San Francisco, Prov. Zamora-Chinchipe, Southern Ecuador) // Ecotropical Monographs. Vol. 4. 256 p.
- Breckle S.-W., Veste M., Yair A. 2008. Arid dune ecosystems – The Nizzana Sands in the Negev desert // Ecological Studies. 200. 475 p.
- Brehm G., Homeier J., Fiedler K., Kottke I., Illig J., Nöske N.M., Werner F., Breckle S.-W. 2008. Are mountain rain forests in southern Ecuador a hotspot of biodiversity? Limited knowledge and diverging patterns / Eds. E. Beck et al. // Gradients in a tropical mountain ecosystem of Ecuador. Ecological Studies. 198. P. 15-23.
- Homeier J., Breckle S.-W. 2008. Gap-dynamics in the tropical montane forest in South Ecuador. / Eds. E. Beck et al. Gradients in a tropical mountain ecosystem of Ecuador. Ecological Studies. P. 311-317.
- Bendix J., Homeier J., Cueva Ortiz E., Emck P., Breckle S.-W., Richter M., Beck E. 2006. Seasonality of weather and tree phenology in a tropical evergreen mountain rain forest // International Journal of Biometeorology. 50. P. 370-384.
- Cueva Ortiz E., Homeier J., Breckle S.-W., Bendix J., Emck P., Richter M., Beck E. Seasonality in an evergreen tropical mountain rain forest in southern Ecuador // Ecotropica. 12. P. 69-85.
- Breckle S.-W. 2006. Deserts and biodiversity – Is it area- or resource-related? // Journal of Arid Land Studies. 16. P. 61-74.
- Veste M., Gao J., Sun B., Breckle S.-W. 2006. The Green Great Wall – combatting desertification in China. Geogr. Rdschau Int. Edit. 2 (3). P. 14-20.
- Breckle S.-W., Wucherer W. 2006. Vegetation of the Pamir (Tajikistan): Land use and desertification problems / Eds. E. Spehn, C. Körner, M. Liberman. Land-use Change and Mountain Biodiversity. CRC Taylor&Francis, Boca Raton. P. 239-251.
- Breckle S.-W. 2004. Ökologie der Erde. Spezielle Ökologie der Tropischen und Subtropischen Zonen. Band 2, 3. Auflage, UTB Große Reihe, Spektrum, Heidelberg. 764 p.
- Breckle S.-W. 2002. Salinity, halophytes and salt affected natural ecosystems / Eds. A. Läuchli, U. Lüttge. Salinity: Environment – Plants – Molecules. Kluwer Academic Publishing, Dordrecht. P. 53-77.
- Homeier J., Breckle S.-W., Dalitz H., Leyers C., Ortiz R. 2002. Demography, spatial distribution and growth of three arborescent palm species in a tropical premontane rain forest in Costa Rica. 8. P. 239-247.
- Breckle S.-W. 2002. Salt deserts in Iran and Afghanistan / Eds. B. Böer, H.J. Barth. Sabkha ecosystems. Kluwer, NL. P. 109-122.
- Agakhanjanz O.E., Breckle S.-W. 2002. Plant diversity and endemism in High Mountains of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Siberia / Eds. C. Körner, E. Spehn. Mountain Biodiversity – A global assessment. Parthenon Publishing Group, Boca Raton, New York. Ch. 9. P. 117-127.
- Breckle S.-W. 2002. Primärsukzessionen – Beispiele von Sanddünen, Vulkanaschen, Salzböden und anderen Substraten. d. Reinh. –Tüxen-Ges., Hannover. 14. P. 5-16.
- Breckle S.-W. 2002. Walter’s Vegetation of the earth. The Ecological Systems of the Geo-Biosphere. Springer, Heidelberg. 527 p.