Year of Birth:  1949


Russia, 460000, Orenburg, Pionerskaya Str., 11,

Institute of Steppe of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Phone: +7 (3532) 776 247, 774 432 (office), +7 903 398 2321 (mob.)


Academic Degree:

  • doctor of geography,
  • professor

Official Capacity:

  • research advisor,
  • senior researcher of the Department of Landscape Ecology


Research Areas:

physical geography, economic and social geography, environment pollutions, pollutions management, anthropogenic influence on landscape, landscape optimization and protection, reserve management, protected nature territories and water areas

 Academic Awards:

  • Order of Friendship,
  • Order of Honor,
  • Golden Medal of P.P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky of Russian Geographical Society,
  • Golden Medal of L.S. Berg of Russian Academy of Sciences,
  • Diplomas of RAS and Ural Branch of RAS,
  • Diploma of Social Recognition,
  • National ecological award “Eco World”,
  • Order for the Arrangement of the Russian land,
  • Award of the Ural Branch of RAS of L.D. Shevakov,
  • Award of Orenburg Region Government of science and technology for the work series of ecological and economic reasoning of organization of national park “Buzuluksky Bor”,
  • Award of Orenburg Region Governor for achievements in science and technology for creating the monography “Природное наследие Оренбургской области: особо охраняемые природные территории” (Natural heritage of Orenburg Region: special protected nature areas),
  • First Place Diploma of laureate for literature award of P.I. Rychkov for fictional and publicist work for the book “Бассейн Урала” (Ural Basin),
  • Award of Orenburg Region Governor of science and technology for creating the monography “Российско-Казахстанский трансграничный регион: история, геоэкология, устойчивое развитие” (Russian-Kazakhstan transboundary region: history, geoecology, stable development),
  • Order of V.I. Vernadsky

Professional Training of Highly Qualified Educational Workers:

has trained 27 PhD and 3 doctors of sciences

Membership in Professional Societies:

  • vice-president of Russian Geographical Society,
  • chairman of Orenburg Regional Branch of Russian Geographical Society,
  • chairman of Permanent Environmental Committee of Russian Geographical Society,
  • editorial board member of “Geography and Nature Resources”,
  • editorial board member of “Herald of Russian Geographical Society”,
  • editorial board member of “Volga Region Ecological Herald”,
  • editorial board member of “Herald of Voronezh University. Series: geography, geo-ecology”,
  • editorial board member of “Herald of Orenburg State University”,
  • editorial board member of “Herald of Orenburg State Agrarian University”,
  • editorial board member of “Steppe Bulletin”,
  • editorial board member of “Feathered Vultures and their protection”,
  • editorial board member of “Herald of Dagestan State Teacher’s University. Physical and Exact Sciences”,
  • chief editor of “Steppe Management Issues”,
  • chief editor of “Herald of Orenburg Branch of Russian Geographical Society”,
  • editorial board member of “Arid Ecosystems”


Total Number of Publications: more than 850

Main Publications:

  • Чибилёв А.А. Степная Евразия: региональный обзор природного разнообразия. Изд. 2-е, перераб. и доп. 2017. М.-Оренбург: Институт степи УрО РАН; РГО. 324 с. +вкл. 96с.
  • Baynard C.W., Mjachina K., Richardson R.D., Schupp R.W., Lambert J.D., Chibilyev A.A. Energy Development in Colorado’s Pawnee National Grasslands: Mapping and Measuring the Disturbance Footprint of Renewables and Non-Renewables // Environmental Management. 2017. Vol. 56. No. 14. P. 1-22.
  • Падалко Ю.А., Чибилёв А.А. Проблемы развития русловых процессов в бассейне р. Урал // Доклады Академии наук. 2017. Т. 475. № 6. С. 1-4.
  • Padalko Yu.A., Chibilyov A.A. Problems of Riverbed Evolution in the Basin of the Ural River // Reports of Earth Sciences. 2017. 475. Pt. 2. P. 968-971.
  • Сивохип Ж.Т., Павлейчик В.М., Чибилёв А.А., Падалко Ю.А. Проблемы устойчивого водопользования в трансграничном бассейне реки Урал // Водные ресурсы. 2017. Т. 44. № 4. С. 504-516.
  • Sivokhip Zh.T., Pavleichik V.M., Chibilev A.A., Padalko Yu.A. Problems of dependable water use in the transboundary Ural river basin // Water Resources. 2017. 44. No. 4. С. 673-684.
  • Мячина К.В., Чибилёв А.А., Дубровская С.А. Степные ландшафты Урало-Заволжья в условиях нефтегазодобычи: оценка прямых геоэкологических последствий и проблемы их минимизации // Доклады Академии наук. 2017. Т. 474. № 6. С. 741-745.
  • Myachina K.V., Chibilev A.A., Dubrovskaya S.A. Steppe Landscapes of the Ural–Volga Region in Response to Oil and Gas Production: Evaluation and Minimization of Direct Geoecological Aftereffects // Reports of earth sciences. 2017. Vol. 474. 2. P. 709-712.
  • Чибилёв А.А. История и современное состояние заповедного дела в России // Вестник Российской академии наук. 2017. Т. 87. № 3. С. 231-241.
  • Chibilev A.A. History and Current Status of Reserve Management and Study in Russia // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017. Vol. 87. No. 2. P. 181-190.
  • Чибилёв А.А. Истоки и направления развития заповедного дела России // География и природные ресурсы. 2017. № 3. С. 6-12.
  • Chibilev A.A. The origins and development paths of zapovednik management in Russia // Geography and Natural Resources. 2017. Vol. 38. No. 3. P. 6-12.
  • Чибилёв А.А. Экологическая оптимизация степных ландшафтов. Репринтное издание. Оренбург. 182 с.
  • Чибилёв А.А. Заповедник «Шайтан-Тау» – эталон дубравной лесостепи на Южном Урале. 2015. Оренбург: Димур. 144 с.
  • Чибилёв А.А. Урал: природное разнообразие и евро-азиатская граница.  2011. Екатеринбург: УрО РАН. 160 с. + вкл. 132 с.