UDC 598.241; 574.91
Sviridova T.V., Grinchenko O.S., Wikelski M.C., Ilyashenko E.I. CONNECTIVITY, MIGRATION ROUTES AND WINTER GROUNDS OF COMMON CRANE IN THE NORTH OF MOSCOW REGION // Arid Ecosystems. 2023. Vol. 29. № 2 (95). P. 85-97. | PDF
Results of 3-year tracking of a common crane (Grus grus), breeding in the center of the European Russia and equipped with a GPS-GSM transmitter, allowed us to understand their geographic connectivity, migration routes and key sites of summer range, as well as stopover sites on migration. We learned about flyways and wintering grounds of the bird, identified key and short-term migratory stopovers in arid regions of Ukraine, Turkey, Israel and Ethiopia. The cranes used different wintering sites in different years. We found out that immature cranes of premigratory gathering of the Dubna River, Moscow Region, could also occur in other premigratory gatherings, such as the Smolensk Region. We also registered a fact of successful nesting of a 3-year-old bird.
Keywords: common crane, Dubna premigratory gathering, Hula Valley, migration to arid regions, satellite tagging.
Financing. The study was carried for the Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, state registration No. AAAA-A18-118042690110-1, state task No. 0089-2021-0004, “Ecological and Evolutionary Aspects of Animal Behavior and Communication” (T.V. Sviridova) and state registration No. AAAA-A18-118042490055-7, state task No. 0089-2021-0010, “Fundamental Problems of Wildlife Protection and Rational Use of Bioresources” (E.I. Ilyashenko), as well as of the state assignments of the Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, state task No. 0089-2021-0010, “Fundamental Problems of Wildlife Protection and Rational Use of Biological Resources” and the state tasks No. FMWZ-2022-0002, No. 122041100236-4, “Research of Geoecological Processes in Hydrological Systems of Land, Formation of the Quality of Surface and Groundwater, Problems of Water Resources Management and Water Use under Conditions of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impacts” (O.S. Grinchenko).
DOI: 10.24412/1993-3916-2023-2-85-97