Gabibova A.R., Gasainieva Z.A., Zalibekov M.D. ASSESSMENT OF POPULATIONS OF A RARE SPECIES OF COMMON FIG (FICUS CARICA L.) IN ARID CONDITIONS OF DAGESTAN // Arid ecosystems. 2021. V.27. № 3 (88). P. 45-51.
Figs (Ficus carica L.) are one of the oldest species of fruit trees grown in the world. The territory of Dagestan is the northern border of the distribution of figs. The protection of rare plant and animal species is justified by the value of these species as components of arid ecosystems, for the preservation of which it is necessary to know the reasons for their decline. A positive solution to these problems is seen in the study and development of new technologies for the conservation of the biodiversity of arid ecosystems. In this paper, we analyze the diversity of 14 morphological features. The results of the studies showed significant variability in all the studied natural habitats between fig plants. There are three groups of biomorphotypes, which appear depending on the growing conditions: 1) a tree with 2-3 trunks, up to 6-7 m high-Untsukul; 2) a shrub up to 3-5 m high – Dzhalgan and Dagestan Lights; 3) a shrub up to 1.5 m high-Sarykum and Oaks. Given that F. carica is listed in the Red Book of Dagestan (2009) and grows in this region at the edge of its range (the northern border of the species ‘ distribution). The study of its diversity is of great scientific and practical interest. The data of the conducted studies of the populations of the rare species F. carica in Dagestan, the assessment of its condition and recommendations for protection are of monitoring importance and are presented for inclusion in the latest edition of the «Red Book of the Republic of Dagestan».
Keywords: Ficus carica, fig, coenopopulation, variability, morphological diversity, red book species, rare species, species protection, Dagestan.
Funding. This work was carried out within the state assignment No. АААА—А19-119020890099-4 “Structural and Functional Features of Plant Communities with Populations of Rare and Resource Tree Species (on the Example of the Eastern Caucasus)”.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-3916-2021-10162