Bazha S.N., Danzhalova E.V., Drobyshev Yu.I., Bogdanov E.A., Baskhaeva T.G., Rupyshev Yu.A., Ubugunova V.I., Tsyrempilov E.G., Ivanov L.A., Ivanova L.A., Migalina S.V., Khadbaatar S., Tserenkhand G., Shinekhuu T. ECO-BIOLOGICAL FEATURES FOR THE PRUNUS SIBIRICA L. DISTRIBUTION IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE SELENGA BASIN // Arid ecosystems. 2020. V. 26. № 4 (85). P. 35-45. | PDF
The article discusses the ways of the expansion of Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) in the southern part of the Selenga River Basin. On the south-western border of the boreal forests, there is a clear trend in the succession of pine forests to shrub vegetation represented by Siberian apricot communities. This is facilitated by the reduction of forested areas due to fires, felling and grazing, which in turn leads to a change in landscape and environmental conditions in forest ecotopes. In addition, the strengthening of the coenotic position of Prunus sibirica occurs due to its physiological and biochemical adaptation to the pyrogenic factor and eating by cattle, as well as the variability of the functional parameters of this species.
Keywords: Prunus sibirica L., Mongolia, forest-steppe, deforestation, bush encroachment, post-forest succession, functional characteristics of plants.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-3916-2020-10116