Required elements of article should be as following:
- The article title should be most specific, informative and corresponding to its content.
- Complete list of all authors (full names and surnames). The name of the author, who is responsible for correspondence by e-mail, must be underlined, and e-mail address must be given.
- Complete affiliations of each author if the authors are from different organizations (certain number of asterisks(*) should be put in to mark authors’ identity); complete (without abbreviation) name of organization, full address of the organization (country, postcode or ZIP, city, street, house number, e-mail address).
- The e-mail address of the authors responsible for correspondence is necessary because all correspondence about reviewing and translation of the paper into English is made through e-mail only. When the manuscript has only one author it is essential to give alternative e-mail address in case of possible technical problems. It is recommended to indicate as alternative e-mail address which the author will check during vacations or business trips. If the manuscript has several authors it is recommended to indicate e-mail addresses of two or three authors who will check the incoming information.
- N/B! If you have not got an email with (a) confirmation that your manuscript has been received by the editorial office within a week, or (b) reviews of your manuscript within two months, please send another request to the editorial office. Using another mailbox may help.
- Abstract should not be too brief and contain any references. It should be informative and detailed revealing the scientific results and study methods. It must give the evidence of the problems under consideration and the results received. (The aims and objectives in the first sentence; the methods and materials in the next one or two sentences; the main results in the next two or three sentences; the main conclusion in the last sentence.)
- Keywords (necessarily): 3 to 6 words or brief word-combinations revealing the paper content.
- The main text of manuscript should not exceed 15 pages of text (including references, pictures, photos, graphics and abstract), written in 12 Times New Roman with 1.5 spacing. It should contain the following required blocks: Introduction revealing the problem, the goals and the objectives of the article; Materials and Methods, then Results and Discussion, then Conclusions, then References (Bibliography).
The authors are recommended to use unified terms (the same things must be named by the same terms). The authors should use unified units, measures and nomenclature names, and avoid word contractions and word abbreviations whenever possible except commonly used. Abbreviations or contractions should be explained in the text when first used.
The Journal is aiming at publishing high quality papers, hence the reviewers are asked to keep an eye on the following moments: (a) recent (not more than 10 years old) literature is cited, (b) modern statistics based on correct experimental design is used.