Ubugunova В.I., Gunin P.D., Ubugunov V.L., Aleskerova E.N., Bazha S.N., Ayushina T.A. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMUS HORIZONS OF CRYO-ARID SOILS IN THE BARGUZIN VALLEY // Arid ecosystems. 2019. V. 25. № 4 (81). P. 82-91. | PDF
We studied various types of arid soils, forming under the influence of extra continental climate on the northern border of Central Asian steppes distribution. In this article we present the results of color characterization and humus condition of the surface horizons of steppe soils and soils of forest and steppe connection zone. Using Munsell color system and color spectrum of CIE–L*a*b* system, we determined that cryo-humus accumulation prevails in steppe ecosystems soils and light-humus connection zone. The correlation between labile and bio-inert fractions of humus compounds can be used as a diagnostic parameter. We made a cluster analysis of humus horizons, using 25 indices. The first cluster combines steppe soils with cryo-humus accumulation, the second cluster combines soils with light-humus accumulation. Soils with AK–BCA–Cca profile were classified as cryo-humus soils. The achieved data can be used as a basis to clarify the classification of cryo-arid soils.
Keywords: soil, humus, accumulation, color characteristics, fraction composition.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-3916-2019-10076