1. The article should not exceed the limit of 10-12 pages of text written in Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 spacing (including the list of References, all images and Abstract).
2. Sizes of page and text field:
— Pages A4 (170 x 245 mm), margins above and below, right and left – 2 cm;
— For the main text use Microsoft Word program, the font should be Times New Roman 12 for the entire article, but the article’s title should be written in capital letters; line spacing is 1.5; indention is 0.7 cm; only one space between every word, no word wrap; place page numbers in the top right corner;
— References to be given in parentheses, e.g. (author, year), (Table 1), (Fig. 3.);
— Use commas in decimal fractions if your manuscript is in English, but points if it is in Russian;
— It is strongly recommended to use physical units, decimal prefixes and their abbreviations in accordance with the standard Physical Quantity Measurement Unit, which is based on the International System of Units;
— Acknowledgements with indication of supporting grant should be given at the beginning of the paper as footnote attached to the last word of the paper title1. Thus, the text of the acknowledgement footnote should be in the running title under the paper text on the first page.
3. References list should reflect the modern state of research in the sphere chosen and should not be excessive. It is given alphabetically, without numbering (e.g. Name of the authors. Year of the issue. Title of the article or monograph. Place of publication: publisher name. Total number of pages (e.g. 265 p.); e.g. For journal articles: Authors. Year. Title of article // Journal title. Vol. (volume). No. (number). Pages (e.g. P. 15-27); For articles in monographs: Authors. Year. Title of article // Title of the monograph. Place of publication: publisher name. Pages.) The references in Russian should be mentioned first, then – in foreign languages. The works of the same author to be arranged in chronological order, beginning from the newest to the oldest. For a better example see the articles published on the Journal’s webpage or in its profile in elibrary.ru.
Examples of proper References design:
Water Resources of Russia and their Utilization. 2008 / Ed. I.A. Shiklomanova. Saint-Petersburg: State Hydrological University. 600 p.
Kuzmina Zh.V., Tryoshkin S.E. 2017. Evaluation Methods of Destructions in Terrestrial Ecosystems and Landscapes as a Result of Climatic and Hydrological Changes // Ecosystems: Ecology and Dynamics. Vol. 1. No. 3. P. 146-188 [Web Source http://www.ecosystemsdynamic.ru/stati/ (last accessed date 20.01.2018)].
Rulev A.S., Shinkarenko S.S., Koshelyova O.Yu. 2017. Evaluation of the Impact of Volga’s Hydrological Regime on the Dynamics of the Island Sarpinsky Flooding // Science Notes of Kazan University. Physical Sciences Series. Vol. 159. Book 1. P. 139-151.
U.S. Geological Survey. 2018 [Web Source https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov (last accessed date 26.01.2018)].
4. Tables and figures should be inserted only after References, each on separate page, followed by the list of their titles (e.g. tittles of the tables, next page – tables; titles of figures, next page – figures). If there are several parts in one illustration they should be inserted sequentially and have general title. Only 5 figures, including tables and photos, are allowed.
— The amount of tables should not exceed 5. Their size is recommended within limit of 1 page, positioned vertically. Avoid data duplicates in the tables, diagrams and the text itself. Tables in Russian version should have number and title in both Russian and English. If there is the only table it is not numbered, and the reference in the text is indicated as (table). All tables should be created in Microsoft Word. Scanned tables are not allowed.
— Number of figures (pictures) should not exceed 5, too. Maps must be made on a geographical basis, with the scale indicated. Transcription of geographical names must conform to the atlas of the last edition, from which it was taken. Photos should be of good quality, sharp and clear in details. All explanations to the drawings and photographs should be put under them in the notes, while on the pictures only corresponding numbers must be indicated.
— All figures must be numbered and titled (both in Russian and English for the Russian version). If there is only one figure it is not numbered, and the reference in the text is indicated as (Fig.).
— All figures should be sent in separate file, the preferred format is .BMP or .JPG. Charts, diagrams and histograms should be given in separate files in Microsoft Excel.
— Our journal is black-and-white edition, thus publication of colored illustrations is possible only in exceptional cases after approval from the editorial board. However, the figures (excluding maps) can be sent in color.
5. When using the Latin names of plant and animal species the references to the source of those names (Flora, Fauna Guides) should be given in the running title as a footnote.
6. The papers in Russian must be concluded by the main information, translated into English: title, initials and surnames of authors, name of affiliated organization with complete address including postcode, and e-mail address, abstract and keywords.
If any of elements indicated above is absent or if the paper fails to meet the design requirements, it may be rejected without any further consideration.