Rules of Manuscripts Supplying
Journal “Arid Ecosystems” is open for publication of original papers and reviews of scientific works within the scope of the journal. The editorial policy respects major traditions and viewpoints within the discipline; we welcome scientists of all nations, genders and religions. The papers are accepted in Russian and English from citizens of all countries. Publications are free of charge.
Papers should be sent to or
The author should affirm that his material (in their original language or translated to or from another language) excludes falsification, plagiarism and self-plagiarism, duplicate submissions, multiple copying of similar information in different research papers.
The authors must send an electronic version of their manuscript, pictures (each should be in separate file), information about the involved authors (in separate file) and copyright agreement with the publisher (can be found on Documents page), filled and signed by all authors. The copyright agreement should be sent by e-mail as a .doc file; all the signatures must be scanned and placed in the place «Sign» filed as pictures. Passport data is not necessary. The copyright agreement takes effect immediately if the positive decision on publication was made. The agreement form and additional law information can be found on the journal site of WPI RAS and on the site and
In the cover letter the authors must indicate 5 possible reviewers of their manuscript. The reviewers should not be co-authors with any of the authors of the submitted manuscript.
All the files must be send as one ZIP file; (.doc format for text, .jpg or .bmp for pictures and photos, .xls (Excel) for diagrams and graphics). Additional files of large volume (original illustration files, for example) may be passed to the editorial board in high resolution after the manuscript is approved for publication. In case the editorial board has questions about the submitted manuscript, it may ask the author to send the printed manuscript (or only the unclear parts).
All submitted materials pass through the anonymous double reviewing. Within one week after the manuscript has been submitted for publication the editorial board is to notify the authors about receiving it and indicate the date and the registration number of manuscript.
The manuscript sent to the authors to be improved must be sent back with corrections within two months. After this period the manuscript is considered to be newly submitted. When sending the corrected manuscript the authors must attach a letter with descriptions of made improvements and with the answers for the reviewer’s questions.
The final reviewers’ decision is accepted during the editorial board meeting; the article may be accepted, or declined, or recommended for the further improvement. Accepted articles are included into the coming issues of congenial topic. The authors will be notified about all the decisions by e-mail.
After the article is accepted the authors cannot make any changes and further additions. The manuscripts will not be returned to the authors. The editorial board has the right not to explain the reasons of rejecting the article for publication.
After the publication (when the journal is out of print) the electronic PDF version of published article can be sent to the authors upon request.