The following conditions present the set of ethical rules, which the editorial is guided with.
The editorial’s activity is to meet the need of readers and authors, while respecting their rights and legal interests.
The editorial, editorial council and editorial team work closely with authors, readers and reviewers and show the open-mindedness towards the new approaches and the readiness to learn new perspective methods of work.
The intellectual work of scientists is highly valuable, and all decisions are based on the necessity to help authors to improve their articles. The editorial is responsible for the published articles quality and supports the enterprises, aimed to decrease the number of ethic’s standards violations and incorrect acts made by researches.
The receiving, estimating and publishing of science articles is free. The editorial quickly informs authors and other concerned experts on every change in the Journal’s rules.
The editorial accepts only those articles which answer the following requirements: each work should correspond with the scientific trends of the Journal, be executed accordingly to the set rules and has all of the necessary accompanying documents. The absence of any requirement is enough for the editorial to reject the text.
The editorial’s decision on publishing or rejecting any of the materials is based only on the qualitative characteristics of the scientific text. The Journal’s policy excludes commercial factors’ influence on the matter of expert’s assessment of the manuscripts, as well as decisions on the texts publishing.
The editorial council and the editorial team use a multistage reviewing system to provide and support the high quality of the publishing materials and exclude any of the un-reviewed works, as well as the works with low expert appraisal.
The editorial works closely with research institutions to involve scientists into reviewing, which is necessary to perceive the importance of reviews as part of the science process.
The editorial provides reviewers with all the required information on their rights and duties, the procedure of expertise and principles of reviewing. Every reviewer will be told about any changes in the Journal’s policy and goals.
The choice of reviewers is based on the possibility of receiving the qualified expert appraisal of the materials. The editorial doesn’t assign those reviewers who have personal interest in the concrete article publishing or rejecting.
The editorial demands its reviewers to verify the article for plagiarism and falsified data, to report about every ethical violation, made by authors, to control the researches, the results of which are presented in the articles, to be carried out according to the principles, accepted by the international scientific community.
The editorial seeks for the expert appraisal to be equitable, impersonal and apropos. The editorial reserves the right to end its partnership with those reviewers who perform their duties poorly or incorrectly or break the deadlines.
The editorial takes responsibility for not nondisclosure of the authors and reviewers’ personal data, as well as the other information, gathered during the partnership.
Every reviewing material is verified for plagiarism to prevent any violations of the intellectual property law.
If any of the violations were made by the authors, the editorial takes strict measures, such as rejecting materials, demanding an answer from the author and taking every step to make a proper investigation of the specific violation.
The negative results, made during the authors’ researches, don’t prevent their publishing in the Journal. The editorial encourages scholarly discussions and exchange of experience on the Journal’s pages.