Year of Birth: 1963
Russia, 119017, Moscow, Staromonetniy Per., 29
Institute of Geography of RAS
Phone: +7 495 951 9070
Academic Degree:
- doctor of biology
Official Capacity:
- Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS): Principle researcher, Scientific Leader of the Scientific Coordination Center for Combating Desertification and Drought,
- United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification: Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Science and Technology, member of the Science Policy Interface, scientific and technical correspondent, reporting officer from the Russian Federation,
- Interdepartmental Scientific and Expert Council «Global Climate and Environmental Management: Zero Emission and Zero-Degradation of Soils of Russia (Agriculture and Forestry)»: Deputy Chairman,
- The World Bank: environmental and safeguards consultant.
Research Areas:
sustainable management of natural resources, environmental land management, environmental education, environmental and agricultural ecology, soil science, biodiversity conservation, environmental services, landscape science, physical geography, geo-botany, agronomy, remote sensing data processing and application, GIS technologies
Work as a visiting researcher abroad:
repeatedly participated in scientific research in different countries on international projects and by the invitation of universities in Europe (Finland, Ukraine, Moldova, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Portugal, France, Greece), in North America (USA, Mexico), in South America (Brazil), in Africa (South Africa, Kenya), in Asia (China, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates)
Academic Awards:
- Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation,
- I. Shuvalov Prize of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Professional Training of Highly Qualified Educational Workers:
- 1988-2017 – worked in M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University at various positions,
- has developed 20 training courses for Lomonosov Moscow State University,
- has trained 6 PhD and 45 graduates with higher education
Membership in Professional Societies:
- member of V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Society,
- member of the European Geosciences Union,
- editorial board member “Soil Survey Journal”,
- editorial board member of “Arid Ecosystems”
Total number of publications: more than 200
Main Publications:
- Куст Г.С., Андреева О.В. «Новейшее почвоведение» по Докучаеву и достижение нейтрального баланса деградации земель как цель устойчивого развития // История наук о Земле. Коллективная монография. 2017. Т. 6. М.: Акколит. С. 209-
- Kust G., Andreeva O., Cowie A. Land degradation neutrality: Concept development, practical applications and assessment // Journal of Environmental Management. 2017. Vol. 195. No. 1. P. 16-24.
- Sanz M.J., de Vente J., Chotte J.-L., Bernoux M., Kust G., Ruiz I., Almagro M., Alloza J.-A., Vallejo R., Castillo V., Hebel A., Akhtar-Schuster M. Sustainable Land Management contribution to successful land-based climate change adaptation and mitigation. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Bonn, Germany. 2017. P. 178.
- Sustainable Land Management for Climate and People. Science-Policy Brief. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, August 2017. Contributors: De Vente J., Chotte J.-L., Bernoux M., Kust G., Sanz M.J., Ruiz I., Almagro M., Alloza J.-A., Vallejo R., Castillo V., Hebel A., Akhtar-Schuster M. 6 p.
- Global Land Outlook: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. The Global Land Outlook, first edition. Bonn, Germany. Steering Committee Members: Ademola Braimoh (World Bank), Jonathan Davies (IUCN), Siham Drissi (UNEP), Nicola Favretto (UNU), Tobias Gerhartsreiter (ELD), Luc Gnacadja (GPS-Dev), Hannah Janetschek (IASS), Anne Juepner (UNDP), Eli Kotse (UNDP), German Kust (UNCCD-SPI), Jane Madgwick (WI), Grammenos Mastrojeni (Italy), Alisher Mirzabaev (ZEF), Luca Montanarella (EC), Mark Schauer (ELD), Michael Taylor (ILC), Ben ten Brink (PBL), Richard Thomas (ICARDA), Peter van der Auweraert (IOM), Stefan van der Esch (PBL), Joachim van Braun (ZEF), Louis Wertz (EcoAgriculture Partners), Edoardo Zandri (UNEP), and Sergio Zelaya (FAO). 2017. 340 p.
- Зонн И.С., Куст Г.С., Андреева О.В. Парадигма опустынивания: 40 лет развития и глобальных действий // Аридные экосистемы. 2017. Т. 23. № 3. С. 5-19.
- Zonn I.S., Kust G.S., Andreeva O.V. Desertification paradigm: 40 years of development and global efforts // Arid Ecosystems. 2017. Vol. 7. No. 3. P. 131-141.
- Щерба Т.Э., Куст Г.С., Смагин А.В. и др. Диагностика опустынивания с использованием основной гидрофизической характеристики почв // Аридные экосистемы. 2016. Т. 22. №4 (69). С. 30-42.
- Shcherba T.E., Kust G.S., Smagin A.V. et al. Diagnostics of desertification with the use of water retention curve of soils // Arid Ecosystems. 2016. Vol. 6. No. 4. P. 249-259.
- Sorokin A.S., Abrosimov K.N., Lebedeva M.P., Kust G.S. Composition and structure of aggregates from compacted soil horizons in the southern steppe zone of European Russia // Eurasian Soil Science. 2016. Vol. 49. No. 3. P. 326-337.
- “Pivotal Soil Carbon”: a Science-Policy Brief on the multiple global benefits of soil carbon. Elena María Abraham, Mariam Akhtar-Schuster, Nicole Bernex, Martial Bernoux, Annette Cowie, Hamid Čustović, Mihail Daradur, de Vente Joris, Karma Dema Dorji, Alan Grainger, Oleg Guchgeldiyev, Klaus Kellner, German Kust, Matthias Magunda, Graciela Metternicht, Barron Joseph Orr, Rajendra Prasad Pandey, Vanina Pietragalla, Uriel Safriel, Tao Wang. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Bonn. 2015. 6 p.
- Reed M.S., Stringer L.C., Amiraslani F. et al. Climate change and desertification: Anticipating, assessing & adapting to future change in drylands. Impulse Report for the 3rd UNCCD Scientific Conference Cancun, Mexico. A co-edition of Agropolis International and Groupe CCEE Montpellier – France. 2015. P. 140.
- Climate change and desertification: Anticipating, assessing & adapting to future change in drylands. Reed Mark S., Stringer Lindsay C., Amiraslani Farshad, Bernoux Martial, Bragante Daya, Centritto Mauro, De Vente Joris, Kust German, Lapeyre Renaud, Mahamane Ali, Marengo Jose A., Metternicht Graciela I., Murgida Ana Maria, Nowak Robert S., Oljaca Snezana, Juan Antonio Pascual Aguilar, Seely Mary Impulse Report for the 3rd UNCCD Scientific Conference. A co-edition of Agropolis International and Groupe CCEE Montpellier – France. 2015. 140 p.
- Sorokin A.S., Kust G.S. Compaction of chernozems on the right bank of the Kuban river // Eurasian Soil Science. 2015. Vol. 48. No. 1. P. 63-71.
- Сорокин А.С., Куст Г.С. Уплотнение черноземов правобережья реки Кубань // Почвоведение. 2015. № 1. С. 71-
- Kutuzova N.D., Kust G.S., Rozov, S.Y., Stoma G.V. Effect of the spatial heterogeneity of soil properties on the growth and productivity of soybeans // Eurasian Soil Science. 2015. Vol. 48. No. 1. P. 85-94.
- Кутузова Н.Д., Куст Г.С., Розов С.Ю., Стома Г.В. Влияние пространственной неоднородности почвенных свойств на рост и урожайность сои // Почвоведение. 2015. № 1. С.11-
- Славко В.Д., Куст Г.С., Розов С.Ю. и др. Опыт тестирования и адаптации метода lada в России для оценки и картографирования деградации земель в засушливых регионах на локальном уровне // Аридные экосистемы. 2014. Т. 20. № 4 (61). С. 44-56.
- Slavko V.D., Kust G.S., Rozov S.Y. et al. Experience in testing and adapting the LADA methodology for land degradation assessment and mapping in arid regions at the local level // Arid Ecosystems. 2014. Vol. 4. No. 4 (61). P. 259-
- Куст Г.С. Некоторые особенности изменения солевого состояния почв при преобразовании структуры сельскохозяйственного использования орошаемых земель дельтовых территорий // Аридные экосистемы. 2013. Т. 19. № 3. С. 79-86.
- Kust G.S. Peculiarities in Changes of Soil Salinity in Restructuring Irrigated Agricultural Lands of Deltaic Areas // Arid Ecosystems. 2013. Vol. 3. No. 3. P. 178-183.
- Добровольский Г.В., Куст Г.С., Чернов И.Ю. и др. Почвы в биосфере и жизни человека: монография. 2012. М.: ФГБОУ ВПО МГУЛ. С. 584.
- Шоба С.А., Добровольский Г.В., Алябина И.О. и др. Национальный атлас почв Российской Федерации. 2011. М.: Астрель. С. 632.