UDC 502.35; 504.052
Kust G.S., Shklyaeva D.S., Lobkovskiy V.A., Andreeva O.V. APPLICATION OF THE METHODOLOGY OF LAND DEGRADATION NEUTRALITY FOR THE TERRITORY OF CASPIAN SEA REGION // Arid Ecosystems. 2024. Vol. 30. № 2 (99). P. 24-35. | PDF
For more than 20 years studies of the Caspian Region have been carried out under the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (Tehran Convention). Its objective is to protect the Caspian Sea and surrounding terrestrial landscapes from negative impacts. For the first time, the results of a comparative assessment of coastal land dynamics are presented for 5 countries on the basis of land degradation neutrality (LDN): the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan. This approach made it possible to identify the main trends in land dynamics in the region for different observation periods, including those for individual countries and regions. The results are presented in cartographic form. The deterioration of the current situation is currently typical for most of the Caspian Region due to intensified degradation processes. The main “hot spots” of desertification are described. At the same time, the dynamics of land degradation varies in different directions for individual parts of the region and observation periods. A careful selection of different periods of comparison and baselines can help track changes in land dynamics and identify peaks in its improvement and deterioration.
Keywords: land degradation neutrality, Caspian Sea, land degradation, desertification.
Funding. The research was carried out within the framework of the state theme of the IG RAS FMWS-2022-0001 «Spatial and temporal problems of sustainable land use in the context of global climate change» (spatial data processing and formulation of the main provisions and conclusions).
DOI: 10.24412/1993-3916-2024-2-24-35