UDC 631.453:632.122.2
Minnikova T.V., Ruseva A.S., Revina S.Yu., Kolesnikov S.I., Gaivoronsky V.G. ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFICIENCY OF BIOREMEDIATION BY OIL-CONTAMINATED EUTRIC CAMBISOLS IN THE REPUBLIC OF KALMYKIA (MODEL EXPERIMENT) // Arid Ecosystems. 2023. Vol. 29. № 4 (97). P. 166-176. | PDF
Eutric Cambisols of the Republic of Kalmykia are subject to high levels of oil pollution. To assess the ecological state of soils, it is necessary to analyze not only the residual oil content, but also the biological indicators of soils. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of bioremediation of the oil-contaminated Eutric Cambisols of the Republic of Kalmykia with the help of physicochemical and biological indicators. Biochar, nitroammophos, sodium humate, and «Baikal EM-1» were added to oil-contaminated soil (5% of the soil mass). To assess the effectiveness of remediation of Eutric Cambisols after 30 days, the residual oil content, the activity of catalase and dehydrogenases, the number of bacteria, the length of roots, and germination of radish were studied. It has been established that the introduction of biochar and «Baikal EM-1» reduces the residual oil content in Eutric Cambisols. Biochar and nitroammophos affect the content of easily soluble salts, and «Baikal EM-1» – on the redox potential. Sodium humate stimulates catalase activity (r = -0.48), length of shoots (r = -0.54), length of roots (r = -0.54), and germination of radish (r = -0.64). Nitroammophos stimulates the number of bacteria (r = -0.56), activity of catalase (r = -0.63) and dehydrogenases (r = -0.84), but inhibits the length of shoots and roots of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). The introduction of «Baikal EM-1» stimulates the number of soil bacteria (r = -0.83), the activity of dehydrogenases (r = -0.89) and inhibits germination and the length of roots, shoots. It is advisable to use the results of the study in biomonitoring and diagnosing the state of oil-contaminated Eutric Cambisols of the Republic of Kalmykia.
Keywords: soil, remediation, ecological state, bioindication.
Funding. The study was supported by a grant from the President (MK-175.2022.5), with the financial support of the project of the Strategic Academic Leadership Program of the Southern Federal University (“Priority 2030”) for the creation of the Youth Laboratory of Ecobiotechnologies for Diagnosis and Protection of Soil Health (No. SP-12-23-01 ), the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the laboratory «Soil Health» of the Southern Federal University (agreement No. 075-15-2022-1122), the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia «Laboratory of Young Scientists» within the framework of the Interregional Scientific and Educational Center of the South of Russia (No. LabNOTS- 21-01AB, FENW-2021-0014).
DOI: 10.24412/1993-3916-2023-4-166-176